Helen Thomas’s right of reply

“You ought not to speak ill of the dead,” a friend chided me. “They have no right of reply.” I had just remarked that Helen Thomas, who died on Saturday aged 92, was a “bigot and journalist”. Of course, my friend was right: in general, one should not speak ill of the dead, or atContinueContinue reading “Helen Thomas’s right of reply”

American Dreamer

The Great Gatsby (Baz Luhrmann, 2013) Warner Bros/Roadshow Entertainment The Great Gatsby is the biggest, brightest, most thrilling movie of the year so far. It sings and swings like a chorus line and smolders with the smoky intensity of a gin-soaked speakeasy. Leonardo DiCaprio captivates as the mysterious millionaire of the title and Carey MulliganContinueContinue reading “American Dreamer”